Moodle LMS integration for ScreenPal
Reach every student with video learning in the classroom,
How to set up ScreenPal with Moodle Learning Management System:
Sign up
Get started with a team account.
Create & share
Create and edit new recordings with the screen recorder or video editing tools and add videos to a course!
ScreenPal brings lessons to life with Moodle

Create student video assignments
Students can easily launch the screen recorder from Moodle, without requiring login or personal information.
Create a dedicated space for all student videos. Designate viewing audience and manage video permissions, including password protection.

Single sign-on for easy user management
Access the ScreenPal LTI App when you add an activity to a course or from the content editor.
Single Sign-On (SSO) support to authenticate directly from Moodle. No additional passwords are needed to launch ScreenPal. Easy account creation directly from within the LTI App.