Built-in music library
Engage your audience with quality music tracks you can add to any video. Choose from a growing collection of carefully curated tracks. Easily find, filter, or add tracks with our built-in music library. Explore our music library after recording, or in our video editor. Find the perfect music to enhance the mood of your videos!
No confusing agreements
With our Premier plan, you can add high quality videos, images and now a full music library. Our stock content is royalty free so you don’t have to worry about confusing licensing agreements. Use stock content anytime you want with ScreenPal!
New music being added!
We have a growing collection of music tracks. We constantly update our stock library with new music, including seasonal tracks you can use.

Discover stock images and videos to enhance your projects.
Stock content for every project.
Included in our Premier Plan. No confusing license agreements. Use on any project.