Vimeo integration for ScreenPal
Quickly share your Vimeo videos with our easy integration. Create engaging videos with ScreenPal, and share on Vimeo.
How to set up ScreenPal with Vimeo
Sign up
Get started with a Deluxe, Premier, or Max subscription.
Connect your Vimeo account and publish directly from ScreenPal.
Create content with ScreenPal that connects to Vimeo
Create your own video content with our easy-to-use screen recorder and intuitive video editor. Edit your recordings for professional-quality videos. Add music, transitions, and other post-production effects like the green screen filter.

One-click to publish — quick & easy
Connect ScreenPal to your Vimeo account. Publish directly from the ScreenPal App. Easily share via custom links or place configurable embed codes for Vimeo video.